Humanitarian Photo Project Featured in Las Vegas Review Journal

Just before I left for my humanitarian photo project in Thailand with The Giving Lens, I was interviewed by the Las Vegas Review Journal regarding the project, my transition from my previous career into photography, as well as the importance of working with girls rescued, rehabilitated or at-risk of human and sex-trafficking.  This project has been a deeply personal issue and when it was announced, I just knew it was for me.  I feel so fortunate to have been selected to be 1 of only 7 women from across the country to participate, and I will be sharing stories and images from the trip in the near future.

You can read the entire article here.  If you would like to know more about The Giving Lens or the NGO we partnered with, Children’s Organization of Southeast Asia (COSA), feel free to visit their links below.

The Giving Lens:



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