Faces of Cuba Published by Passion Passport

A huge thank you to the beautiful travel website Passion Passport for publishing and featuring my story on “Faces of Cuba.”  That trip to Cuba still resonates so strongly with me, as the faces of each of those people has been permanently burned into my brain.  I think of them often, wondering how much their lives have changed or will change with the recent passing of Fidel Castro, and wonder where they keep the print I gave them of their portrait. Since I have returned, there have been many friends and acquaintances that have reached out to me, inquiring about arranging their own trip to Cuba, asking for advice and looking for recommendations on where to stay and what to see, and I’m happy to help.  I have to admit, Cuba has been a pleasant surprise how deeply that trip has affected me, and I eagerly look forward to returning again some day. You can see and read the entire feature on the Passion Passport site of Faces of Cuba.    


#DontRush Challenge

I may not be the most up to date on all the different challenges making the rounds on social media, but this is one I can really get behind. This was a fun collaborative


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